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Different types of Authorization Grants and when to use them

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. Token based Authentication is one of the most popular and widely used authentication and identity management systems used across the world. It is simple, easy to integrate and makes user experience better. Applications can decouple User Identity and Authentication layer to an externalized Authorization Server layer and delegate authentication to this server. You will only enter credentials at a centralized Identity Provider site and the application...

10 months ago • 2 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. I wanted to share some interesting news to you. You want to add authentication to secure your resources, authorize access, implement CORS policies, enforce HTTPS, or even cache responses – you will add the respective built-in libraries to the web application. These are all exposed by the ASP.NET Core framework as Middleware – pieces of code blocks that are responsible for a single functionality. Announcing my new digital product - "How to work with...

10 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. This week, I want to introduce you to the 3 caching patterns that we generally use to implement Caching in our applications. We choose a caching pattern that best fits our application based on its behavior, business requirements and tolerance. The following are the 3 popular patterns used for caching in microservices. Cache-Aside The cache is lazy loaded with data only when needed and is not available in the cache. The microservice decides if the data...

11 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. This week I want to introduce you to Authorization and How to implement Authorization for a Web API in ASP.NET Core. .NET provides us with 3 ways of implementing Authorization depending on the requirement and the use-cases. In this article, I touch base on all the 3 mechanisms with explaining examples, so you don't need to look up for another content. Article Link - I hope you...

11 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. This week I want to introduce you to Docker and 5 commands you must know to started. What is Docker? Docker is a Container Runtime. It helps you build and run Containers based on the custom Image you build. When you use Docker as a Runtime to build and run your Containers, those containers are called Docker Containers. You can build, run and manage containers in Docker via Docker Commands. Here are the top 5 commands you must know to get started docker...

11 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. Distributed architecture is a norm these days. The Front-end, Back-end and the Database tiers are separated into independent deployments to be able to scale as required. This means that the Front-end and the Back-end run in different servers and generally own different domain names. This leads to a situation where the Front-end requests are naturally blocked by the Back-end framework due to a general policy called CORS. This week I want to share with you...

12 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. This week I wanted to recap on one of the most interesting posts I've ever worked on - Real time communication. How to use SignalR with ASP.NET Core Angular - In this detailed guide, let's understand how to integrate SignalR with ASP.NET Core and Angular to build realtime web applications using an example. I had also created a special digital product on this topic, which most of you have shown a lot of love and kudos - You can find it here. I am very...

12 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. Social Logins are a convenient way of logging in users into system. Users don't need to remember all the logins they have for different applications and can sign-on to multiple websites with a single set of credentials of an identity provider. I mean, we all use Google and Facebook logins for our applications right? In this week's newsletter I want to introduce to you some interesting concepts around these social logins and authentication in general. I....

12 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. For this week's newsletter I want to share with you two articles - One on the client side (Angular) and other on DevOps (Docker). I. How to deploy ASP.NET Core Web API in Docker - In this article, let’s look at how we can deploy an ASP.NET Core (.NET 6) Web API in Docker with a demonstrating example. II. How to catch HTTP Errors Globally in Angular - In this detailed article, let's discover how we can make HTTP API calls from Angular using HttpClient...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hello there, Hope you are doing good. In this week's newsletter, I want to introduce you to two new Creational Design Patterns - Factory Method and Abstract Factory. I. Understanding Factory Method Pattern made Easy - In this detailed article, let's explore Factory Method Design Pattern, How it is useful and different ways to implement it with an illustrating example in C# II. Understanding Abstract Factory Pattern made Easy - In this detailed article, let's understand what is an Abstract...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read
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